Sunday, August 27, 2017

Salt and Light - August 28

Greetings from Debrecen,

God is faithful! Thank you for praying! We had a good first week of school and it looks like it is going to be a great year. We were asking God to encourage our girls and to see where He is at work, well God answered our prayer. Sophia and I were going to look in the garage for a Geometry text book but our garage had many boxes of books and miscellaneous stuff. Before we entered the garage, realizing that this may take a while, we prayed and asked God to help us. We went to the garage and found ourselves looking through the first accessible container that we found. When I opened it I saw that it was full of a bunch of different stuff but I started to see some books as well. It was amazing but we found the book in the first box that seemed to have a lot of different stuff and we know that God had led us to it. I was amazed because I really thought we would be in there a while looking through boxes but God answered our prayer to encourage my daughter Sophia. Thank you Jesus!

This week we met with one of our students, "B," who is Hungarian but lives in Ukraine. She continues to seek God and His direction for her life. She is hoping for a job so she can save money to attend the University. Please pray that God would put her in the best place for her to grow in her relationship with Him and to reveal to her His plan for her or at least the next step she is to take.

Please continue to pray:
  • Arianna is still raising funds for her Asia trip and the first deadline is September 1st. Pray that she will receive the amount that is needed and that God would grow her faith and confidence in His provision for her during this time.
  • Darrel and I would have God's wisdom and discernment for the days ahead. Also the ability to learn Hungarian.
  • God would continue to soften my friend "M's" heart as she walks through a difficult time.
Thank you!

One of His servants,

Kimberly Hathcock

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