Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Betsy's update for the week

Hello Everyone,

I hope that this email finds each of you well and that everyone is enjoying the beginning of fall.  It has gotten a bit cooler here in Nagykanizsa, which I am super excited about since fall is my favorite season!

First off, let me apologize for the pause in updates.  Things have been a bit busy around here; however, I will now attempt to update everyone.  Two weeks ago, I traveled to Helsinki, Finland with another friend who is a journeyman for a quick vacation before the semester starts for us.  It was a wonderful time of relaxation, encouragement, and rejuvenation.  It was great to hang out with my friend as we encouraged one another to finish our time off well.  (Some pictures are below).  I returned last Monday and taught my first student of the semester, Z., on Tuesday.  We had a great conversation about what exactly Passover is and how Jesus became our Passover sacrificial lamb.  She was very interested, but didn’t fully understand that she needed a Passover lamb.  Please pray that these conversations would continue and that God would work on her heart to hear and understand His word. 

On Wednesday I traveled to Croatia, as my supervisors had surgery.  Please be in prayer for them and their recovery.  Sunday we also had house church and celebrated several birthdays.  It was a great time as we learned from Luke chapter 4 and how prophecies of Jesus have come true.  Please pray that this news would work on hearts and that believers would be faithful to share with their friends and neighbors.  Finally, please be in prayer for this upcoming week as I will be traveling to a school to discuss what American holidays are.  Pray that I might form relationships and might even be able to relate our holidays to the gospel. 

Thank you all so much for the prayers.  They mean more to me than I can say.

In Christ,

Prayer Requests:

-upcoming time at school
-supervisors’ recovery
-youth group this Friday
-new students and conversations with them
-Z. to understand her need for a Savior
-to finish well as I have only four months remaining
-future decisions
-upcoming Bible studies with non-believers

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