Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Betsy's update for the week

Hello Everyone,

I hope that this email finds each of you well!  Things are starting to get busy here in Hungary.  School starts this week.  Please be in prayer for all of our students.  Pray that they will have a great start to the school year, study hard, and excel in their classes.  Please be in special prayer for our believer students, as well.  Pray that, in addition, they would be a light for their fellow classmates and would be bold to share the gospel with their friends.  Please also pray that God might open hearts of the students that he sends our way to learn English.  Pray that they would have eager hearts to learn about Jesus and His desire for a personal relationship with them. 
Finally, please be in prayer for Friday and Saturday.  Friday night we are having Youth Group again and Saturday we are having a party for back to school.  Please pray that many would come and that we can make new points of contact.  We had Sunday House church this week and many people returned from summer vacation and activities.  Please pray that we can reconnect with those relationships. 

On a different note,  I wanted to mention a change that has recently taken place within our company.  I’m sure some of you have seen the article, but I wanted to make sure that you were aware, since you are my prayer partners.  As some of you know, the IMB has had some financial challenges over the last few years and our budget has not been able to be balanced.  Due to this, we have a deficit that must we corrected.  After much prayer and consideration, it has been decided that the next best step is to decrease our number of personnel both in the states and on the field.  Currently, the company is projecting for 600-800 units to leave by the beginning of next year.  Of course, this is quite a large step; however, we are trusting that God is sovereign over the company and what we do.  I am mainly telling you this to ask for prayer.  Please pray for the leadership of the company.  Pray that God would direct their steps in the days ahead, steps that would glorify and honor Him.  Please pray for the units that will be leaving their positions.  Pray for good transitions and continue spread of the gospel.  Please pray for those who remain as many will have to take on more responsibility.  Pray for flexibility, openness, understanding, and above all perseverance in spreading His word.  I have attached the press release below, and if you have any further questions, please respond back and I will try to answer them as best I can or direct you to someone who can answer them. 

Thank you all so much for the prayers and your partnership.  They mean more to me than I can express. 

In Christ

Prayer Requests:
-upcoming school year
-believers to be strong
-Friday night group
-party on Saturday
-upcoming vacation
-reconnecting with friends
-Sunday House Group
-future of the company

Link to press release: http://www.imb.org/updates/storyview-3489.aspx#.VeS9U7QnVUQ

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