Sunday, August 2, 2015

Betsy's update for the week

Hello, Everyone.

I hope that this email finds each of you well.  Unfortunately, this update will be quite short, but I wanted to give you a quick recap of the week, and let you know what is up for next week.  So this week, we weren’t able to have any of the Bible Studies due to people traveling.  Please be in prayer for these studies and that people would come.  However, we did meet with the House Group and continued our study of Luke.

Tomorrow the rest of my team and I will be traveling to Poland for our annual company meeting.  We will spend a week there getting refocused and learning ways to better our ministry here in Nagykanizsa.  Please be in special prayer for this time, and that we would have open hearts for what the Father wants to show us. 

Thank you guys so much for the prayers.  They mean more to me than I can say, and I am so grateful for each and everyone of you.

In Christ,

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