Thursday, November 9, 2017

Hungary 4 Him: Katelyn's October update

Hungary 4 Him scene

At the beginning of October, I traveled to Prague, Czech Republic to meet with other journeymen on the field.  The time was refreshing and eye opening in many different ways.  I am so thankful for the friends I have met on this journey. We were able to reflect over our last year on the field, pray over one another, and encourage each other.

Since arriving home from Prague, I have been very busy with students. On October 27-28 I had a sleepover at my house.  There were 5 girls who came.  In Hungary, it is very uncommon to stay the night at another person's house unless they are family.  This was an experience that some of the girls had never had.

We did hair, make-up, nails, watched movies, made crafts, ate lots of pizza, and played many games. Some of the girls went to sleep around 4 am.  However one girl stayed awake all night, so I stayed up with her!  I am not cut out for all-nighters any more!  Haha.

Prayer Requests:

  • I am going through some things that have been disheartening lately.  I have had lots of encouragement from family and friends that has been helpful.  Pray that Satan will stop using these things against me and I can focus on what I am here to do.
  • As you know, Thanksgiving is coming soon.  I am going to make a Thanksgiving meal to go have at Bible Study on Nov. 24th.  Pray that all goes smoothly with it, that the students enjoy it, and that I can clearly share the gospel and the reason to celebrate.
  • As the holiday season begins, pray that I wouldn't struggle being away from family.  Last year wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.  Pray that I would have peace during these times and that missing home won't become too big of a distraction.
  • I have not been sleeping well.  I tend to be tired during the days and as soon as my head hits the pillow, I'm wide awake.  Pray that I would begin sleeping better.
  • Pray for "G."  She was asking lots of questions and I was getting excited talking to her about spiritual things.  Recently, she has been put off by anything to do with God.  She doesn't pay attention during Bible Study and has started to be a little disruptive as well.  Pray that God would grab hold of her heart and that she would come to understand the love and grace that He has for her. 


Some important dates to remember for Lottie Moon Christmas Offering are:

November 28: GIVING TUESDAY: Annual Global Day of Giving
December 3-10: Week of Prayer for International Missions.
December 10 is the LMCO official Sunday.  Our national goal this year is $160 million.

Your giving enables missionaries to be sent to make disciples and multiply churches among unreached people and places for the glory of God.

For more information on LMCO you can go to

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