Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Betsy's update for the week

Hello Everyone,

I hope that this email finds each of you doing well.  I am so sorry that I haven’t written in almost a month.  Things got quite busy, but now they are getting back into our normal routine.  With that being said, I have so much to update you on!  First of all, my godparents were able to come and visit me along with their friends!  To say that this was fantastic is an understatement!  We spent a week in Budapest where I was able to show them part of a city that I have come to love.  We then traveled onward to Nagykanizsa and I was able to show them a bit of what life looks like from day-to-day for me.  I am so thankful and blessed that this could happen during my time here.  Although, unfortunately, parting had to come and it was quite bittersweet.  So please be praying for all of us in the days ahead.  Pray especially for me to remained focused during my finals months and weeks.  

Towards the end of my godparents’ time in Nagykanizsa, we also had a jazz group from America come to put on some concerts.  This group was about 25 individuals from all over the states.  They played concerts in Nagykanizsa, Lenti, and Körmend, as well as some orphanages and care homes, while they were with us.  We were able to strengthen our partnerships with some national Baptist churches in the area, as well as pass out over 300 Bibles and testimony tracts.

Please be praying for those who received a Bible or tract.  Pray that God would use those resources to open their hearts and that they would not be afraid to contact us with further questions about spiritual things.  I was also able to share with a believer that we met in one of the cities.  Her name is Anna.  She really needs to be encouraged in the Lord and His word.  So please be in prayer for her and her walk with the Father.

After having to part again with some great people, we were able to get back to teaching students and somewhat of our daily routines. We had a halloween pumpkin carving party with the youth and had about 13 attend.  Each one got to carve a pumpkin as well as make s’mores and play games.  Finally we passed out comic-book gospel plan tracts and information about our English lessons and Bible studies.  Please be in prayer for these kids who attended.  Pray that we would be able to strengthen and deepen relationships with them, and pray above all else that we would be able to either grow them in their faith or help them understand and come to know the Father.

This past Sunday we traveled to Székesfehérvár and attended the Baptist church there, as they had 7 people choose to follow in obedience and be baptized!  Praise HIs Name!  In addition to that, this church seems very open to working and partnering with us as we attempt to reach Western Hungary.  Please be in prayer for this relationship, that it would be glorifying to the Father and furthering to HIs kingdom.

 Teaching time with students finally got into high gear again this week.  I have been able to have some great conversations with some of these students.  Please pray that many more opportunities would present themselves and that I would be bold and courageous to seize such opportunities.  Pray that the Father would continue to work on hearts as they come to learn English.   Sunday group is continuing as well as Friday night.  Please pray for these times and that they would be glorifying and kingdom-building.  Also, please pray for our Tuesday and Thursday night groups.  Pray that more would show interest and attend these groups.

There is so much more that I could share with you, but since it is getting a bit long, I think I will cut it here and continue on next week.  Thank you all so much for your prayers.  Please know that they are felt and appreciated more than I can express.

 In Christ,

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